City Property Glasgow (Investments) LLP (CPGI) is pleased to announce the completed sale of 199 Prospecthill Circus to Toryglen Community Hall (TCH), a charity which has been established for 35 years and provides recreational facilities, services and support for the local community.

Transfer of ownership of the property, which completed in May, will enable TCH to continue with the ethos of ‘inspiring community connections’ by enriching the lives of individuals through improved quality of life, health and well-being. Led by a group of local people and working alongside statutory and voluntary organisations, the cultural hub provides a vast range of events and activities including yoga, football skills, toddlers groups, youth clubs, tea dances and venue hire facilities.  

Speaking on behalf of Toryglen Community Hall, Eveline McNair, Hall Manager said:

“As the hall was originally built through the efforts of residents and local tradesmen and has been run by local people since its inception, it’s great that this has happened during the year of our 35th anniversary!

As demand for the hall has now outgrowing its capacity, we will now be able to look at extending the building to provide additional facilities for the local community”

George McMillan, Head of Operations and Chair of City Property’s Community Working Group, added:

“We were immediately impressed by Toryglen Community Hall’s business plan which sets out their ambitious plans for charity. This is an exciting time for the organisation which has successfully delivered community facilities and volunteering opportunities over the last 35 years, and I have no doubt that TCH will continue to enrich the health and wellbeing of local residents in the future.

This voluntary Community Asset Transfer demonstrates CPGI’s commitment to delivering economic and social benefits as well as contributing to the growth of opportunity and prosperity for Glasgow and I’d like to thank the combined efforts from both organisations for making this transaction happen.”

Board Members, staff, volunteers and service users at Toryglen Community Hall

City Property's George McMillan (left) meeting TCH Board Members, staff, volunteers and service users

TCH Board Members, staff, volunteers and service users

More details about Toryglen Community Hall can be viewed at: