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Career Ready – Cael’s Experience
Cael joined us on a 4 week internship from St Andrews Secondary RC as part of the Career Ready initiative – a scheme which provides young students the opportunity to experience the world of work. Before he left, we managed to catch up with him to ask him about his experience about his time with us.
Here is what he had to say;
Introduce yourself and your school
Hello I am Cael Broadfoot from the school St Andrews Secondary RC.
How would you describe your internship? What was the main focus?
My internships main focus was to complete the project I had been given which was to focus on how the teams have an impact on the budget.
Did you accomplish what you wanted?
Besides the project, my own personal goal was to come here and to be happy and have fun and to let this help me. I signed up for this, I might as well take something from it and not regret my time here. I have definitely accomplished that and I don’t regret coming here. I think I’ve learned a lot of life skills from the internship but most importantly I have been happy throughout my time here.
Did you learn something you didn’t expect? What was this and how will you use this for the future?
I found out from my internship that an office job isn’t as boring as I had presumed. This will help me in the future because it opens so many more doors when it comes to career options and makes me more willing to sign up for an office job without the impression that I’m going to hate it.
Has your internship sparked any other career interests?
Honestly, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a team that I didn’t find interesting, every role and team I spoke to had an interesting role and if I could I would love to have all their knowledge.
What was the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge was having a presentation complete by the due date as it was ever changing and always needed a tweak or a redo but by the due date I did have something to present. It wasn’t my best work but it definitely was my best effort.
What was the most beneficial experience?
I believe the most beneficial experience here was my numerous talks with Mags where she would tell me about interviews and personal statements and even CV’s. She really has taught me skills that I’ll need to firmly secure myself into a job that I’m applying for which is as beneficial as it gets. I’ve really learned from these talks and I will 100% apply them to my applications and interview.
Finally, if you could sum up your experience in three words, what would these be?
Valuable, Fun, Challenging
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Cael for all his hard work over his internship and wish him every success for the future!