Community Asset Transfer

Whilst, City Property Glasgow (Investments) LLP (CPGI), is not currently in scope of the Community Empowerment legislation governing the transfer of land or buildings to the community (information on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 can be found HERE), it is recognised that there are certain types of buildings and land within the CPGI portfolio that may potentially be suitable for Community Asset Transfer.

In view of this, CPGI has developed a voluntary framework in respect of Community Asset Transfer and welcome the opportunity to work with local communities where there is an expression of interest in asset transfer.

City Property Glasgow (Investments) LLP (CPGI) has produced this guidance for organisations who may want to know more about purchasing or leasing a building or land owned by CPGI, under the principles of Community Asset Transfer.

Who can apply?

Community, voluntary or religious organisations who require the asset purely for community activity.

You require to be:

  • Properly constituted with strong and open governance arrangements
  • In a position to hold property
  • Able to demonstrate/ evidence that you can manage the asset efficiently, including finances, health and safety and other operational issues
  • Non-profit making and exist for community/ social/ environmental/ economic benefit, whilst recognising that there may be a business element to the operations (eg. a community cafe). However, this type of business and financial gain will not be the main driver and any financial surplus will not be distributed to owners or members, but applied to serving core community aims and objectives.
  • Open to and demonstrate an inclusive approach to members of the wider community.

Who cannot apply?

  • Individuals
  • Organisations that operate solely for commercial, political or religious activities

Examples of properties

Examples of the types of properties owned by CPGI that could be considered for transfer are Community Centres, Community Halls, Residents Halls, Tenants Halls, Vacant Land.

First steps

Assessment of Property or Land in Question

CPGI must first establish if the property/ land in question is suitable for asset transfer.  This is done by evaluating the asset against criteria which is used to determine whether it is a core part of CPGI’s commercial portfolio.  We will inform you if the property/ land in question is not one that CPGI would be prepared to dispose of under Community Asset Transfer.  A long lease may be considered if outright sale is not an option.

If the asset is deemed suitable and the application is to be progressed, you will be asked to complete and return submission forms together with your Business Plan and supporting documentation.

Assessment of Organisation

The Business Plan will be assessed before progressing with the application.  During the assessment period, CPGI may enter into a dialogue with your organisation to seek clarification or additional information/ evidence in support of your aspirations to acquire the asset.

If the Business Plan is deemed sufficient, then the application will proceed to the decision making process. The decision making process and governance relating to Community Asset Transfer is the responsibility of the CPGI Community Working Group.

Further information can be found on our Guide To Community Asset Transfer – see our publications page for details.

What to do if you are interested

If you are interested in Asset Transfer of property or land owned by CPGI, the first point of contact is CPGI’s Communications Officer.  Please make a request in writing confirming the address of the property in question.  If the interest relates to a parcel of land, please provide a brief description of the location and plan if possible.

Communications Officer
City Property (Glasgow) LLP
Exchange House
229 George Street

Further information and details on the Community Asset Transfer process can be found in our document: Guide To Community Asset Transfer. A copy of this document can be found on our publications page.